Leon is a stunning maskless fawn male with a urajiro pattern. He has very nice structure and a big squishy head! He is a playful guy but loves most to be right by our side or resting at our feet.
Leon weighs about 23 pounds. He is a cream carrier.
Leon is available for stud services to approved females. Please contact for more information.
Link to Leon’s pedigree:
Leon weighs about 23 pounds. He is a cream carrier.
Leon is available for stud services to approved females. Please contact for more information.
Link to Leon’s pedigree:
Xeno is a beautiful deep red fawn color, coming from standard color champion lines. He is a stocky guy with great conformation. He has big head with the sweetest expressive eyes. He weighs 23 pounds. He breathes very well. He is allergy free with no food sensitivities and kibble fed. He has a fabulous temperament always very sweet, laid back, non reactive, and affectionate.
Xeno is available for stud services to approved females. Please contact for more information.
Eddie is an awesome red fawn, black masked boy. He is a carrier of the blue gene. He has excellent conformation, muscular and thick boned, and a large head. Eddie weighs 23 pounds. Above looks, is an awesomely sweet temperament and health. Eddie is allergy free and does not require a specific diet. He breathes very well and loves to run and play. He loves to play fetch and is a fun-loving all around wonderful boy.
Genetic Health Panel:
JHC: Negative (n/n)
CMR1: Negative (n/n)
HUU: Negative (n/n)
DM: Negative (n/n)
Genetic Health Panel:
JHC: Negative (n/n)
CMR1: Negative (n/n)
HUU: Negative (n/n)
DM: Negative (n/n)